Docuplex Example.
The permascroll up to version 3:Use gdsesture technology with infinite dimensions, an operating system that dusupports automatic version creation of all documents, (controlled with 42 coodirdinate data gloves)systme em level unbreakable 2-wyay links between any number of spans of portions of transclude d domcuments (with user definable link thypes). Any of the 3 dimensions displayed can be swapped out and viewed together any any view type, format set, or version of f the documents combined with other media types into new documents and versions. Anyone can create a set of documents based on anyone else's set. So you can take a massive index and modify it to your own deditorial standards and republish it. Everyone will get payment and credit for exactly how much they contribute, and no version ever becomes innaccessaible.
This permanantly records every keystroke.
Lists of spans of these characters define a particular version, like this:
{Use g}
{esture technology with infinite dimensions} <132,155>
{ (controlled with 42 coo}
{rdinate data gloves)}
{, an operating system that }
{supports automatic version creation of all documents, } <178,181>
{em level unbreakable 2-w}
{ay links between any number of spans of portions of transclude} <273,276>
{d do}
{cuments (with user definable link t} <314,437>
{ypes). Any of the 3 dimensions displayed can be swapped out and viewed together any any view type, format set, or version of} <440,642>
{ the documents combined with other media types into new documents and versions. Anyone can create a set of documents based on anyone else's set. So you can take a massive index and modify it to your own }
{editorial standards and republish it. Everyone will get payment and credit for exactly how much they contribute, and no version ever becomes innaccess} <795,800>
{ible. }Here is the assembled document for version 3:
Use gesture technology with infinite dimensions (controlled with 42 coordinate data gloves), an operating system that supports automatic version creation of all documents, system level unbreakable 2-way links between any number of spans of portions of transcluded documents (with user definable link types). Any of the 3 dimensions displayed can be swapped out and viewed together any any view type, format set, or version of the documents combined with other media types into new documents and versions. Anyone can create a set of documents based on anyone else's set. So you can take a massive index and modify it to your own editorial standards and republish it. Everyone will get payment and credit for exactly how much they contribute, and no version ever becomes innaccessible.
Now imagine this built into an operating system for all connected computers with all media types.
Here is a screenshot: