August 12, 2001
Reality, Reason, Revelation
There is a conceptual hyperspace living inside my mind. This concept is described in "Mirror Worlds". The 3 most important dimensions in this space are Revelation, Reason, and Reality. I am using a definition of "Reality" of the empirical Universe, including the whole physical Universe in all it's bigness and smallness, throughout all time. It is too much to comprehend but a small subset. And the subset I comprehend will be different than the subset any other person has known, is knowing, or will know. And it is constantly changing as new sense perceptions flood into my mind and feelings through the senses of my body; and as old perceptions, feelings, and thoughts are compressed into composite memories or are forgotten temporarily or permanently.Reason is defined primarily, but not exclusively, as the continuous process of analyzing the relationships between all the things I know; to eliminate contradictions in what I believe to be true. Thinking involves both analytical reason and feeling as endpoints of a continuous spectrum that I experience at multiple points simultaneously. My experience involves the sensations of my own body, the thoughts of my mind, memories of what I have read, seen, heard, felt, thought. This is described in "The Muse In The Machine", by David Gelernter. I can experience logical reasoning and deep feeling and anything in between at many levels simultaneously.
Revelation is defined as primarily the verbal communication of the Creator of the Universe through His Word, the Bible. Properly understood, it contradicts neither reason nor reality. This is what I believe. Existentialists, New Agers, Materialists, and Eastern Philosophers believe differently. Those who believe differently can substitute their worldview of choice. But even atheists and agnostics can explore theistic worldviews to try to understand them. Conversely, theists can explore the thoughtspaces of non-theists to attempt to understand and compare; as well as explore the worldviews of other theists. Therefore, they will probably find it useful to have access to this dimension for educational purposes. Reason, Revelation, and Reality are all too big for any person to comprehend fully. See "The World As Information". But that won't stop me from learning what I can.
I am trying to conceptualize an n-dimensional hyperspace that blends all these concepts and lets me explore them. Here is a view of a gzigzag conceptual hyperspace I am working on. The widest possible definition of "multimedia" is needed.
Closed doors will be logical contradictions, forks will be alternatives or possible answers where I have not decided which leads to truth. It will be possible to open the closed doors and see what's on the other side. It will be part gzigzag, part Mirror World, part Scopeware, part Thinker, part web of belief (see "Epistemology: The Justification of Belief", David L. Wolfe). It will encompass the composition, direction, and performance of music, poetry, logic, math, movies, virtual reality, ceramics, microcosms, n-dimensional chat/shared experience/game space, trellises, Xanadu, Thoughtspace. All the separate "disciplines" of history, philosophy, theology, literature, sciences, arts, trades, business, government, sociology, anthropology, etc. are intermingled and intertwined until they are no longer categorized into separate ghettos. All possible interpretations of anything can be examined fully and intercompared. You can, if you wish, create your own categories and hierarchies, but these will be changeable, flexible, and interchangeable. Or you can just look at masses of raw data and try to make sense of it in your own mind (that's how theories originate). Worldviews can be swapped and compared visibly, interactively. They are like clear overlays you can look through that give explanations of the mass of data, history, world events, opinions, arts, sciences, etc. The closed doors can be opened and explored, as depicted on the mountain in the movie "Picnic At Hanging Rock". This will be the existential leap of blind faith (excluding reason). See "How Should We Then Live" for a broad overview or "Escape From Reason" for a more specialized examination of this (both by Francis Schaeffer). Also see "Your Mind Matters" by John Stott.
Jack Seay -