<A NAME="mar2002"></A>


The Newsletter of the Lubbock Model Railroad Association

MARCH 2002

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Staying on Track is published monthly by the LMRA - David Lamberts, editor.
Visit us on the Internet at http://www.railserve.com/lmra
E-mail me at DWL1944@cs.com
Our mailing address is PO Box 53674, Lubbock, TX 79453


Thanks to everyone who helped with the auction last month. I trust a good time was had by all who attended. I have finished analyzing the data from the auction. The total amount sold (total amount of all the wining bids) was $379.00. Last year the total was $289.50. The amount returned to the club was $76.60 (last year the amount was $67.20). The most expensive item auctioned was for $25.00 and the least was $1.00. The average of all winning bids was $5.92. The sellers made a total of $302.40 compared to $222.30 last year. I would love to get some feedback from club members regarding the way the auction is conducted. Should we keep doing it? Should we find a new auctioneer? Are there any suggestions to make the auction better? Talk to me! My e-mail address is DWL1944@cs.com.


Andy and Beverly Lyle gave me this message. "A member of the Amarillo Railroad Museum gave us information that Engine 3751 will be in Williams, AZ in August 2002. To get your ticket order forms and other information contact Grand Canyon Chapter NRHSSLLC, Box 391, Williams, AZ 86046."

Andy and Beverly usually come to our monthly meetings, so you might ask them for more details or call them at 806 353-2559.


submitted by Bob Batson

I would like to invite you and other modelers in your area to the 5th annual Railfair at the Railway Museum of San Angelo on June 1, 2002. Please check out our web site at www.railwaymuseumsanangelo.homestead.com/ . There will be models in all scales plus vendors from around the state. We are working to have a steam-up of gauge one models and we are planning a tour of three of our local garden railroads and some other indoor model scales as well.

Our club meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the museum and has a work session at different member's layouts on the third Saturday.

Please forward this to all of your members and tell those that do not have e-mail.

Also we are trying to develop a list of upcoming shows in Texas and also a list of current vendors that clubs can use for their shows. Please send me any show details you know of and vendors you use so we can build this list. I will be glad to send you a copy of this when it is complete.

Thank You.

David Wood


Railway Museum of San Angelo


There will be a combined NMRA regional meet of the Mid-Continent Region and the Rocky Mountain Region at the Sandhills Convention Center in North Platte, Nebraska on Thursday thru Sunday, May 23 - May 26, 2002. Registration includes clinics, NMRA model contests and judging, a train show and swap meet, convention pin and door prizes. Additional fare items include a tour of the largest railroad yard in the world in North Platte, Nebraska; a tour of the Gerald Gentleman Station, the largest power plant in Nebraska; a live steam ride on Harvey Hinz's Burlington Little Lines in McCook, Nebraska; and a tour of the archway over the interstate in Kearney , Nebraska.

For more information contact Don Stait, registrar at 1938 Payne Court, Aurora, CO 80011. His e-mail address is doncms@aol.com .


submitted by David Wood

The first meeting of 2002 of the Concho Valley Model Railroad Club was held Thursday, January 17th at 7:00 p.m. upstairs in the historic Orient-Sante Fe Depot. The club's main objective is to have fun while building the club's layout, promoting, learning, and teaching others about model railroading. The club plans for 2002 include helping the Railway Museum of San Angelo complete their scale display of San Angelo and railroad operation here as it was in the late 1920s and seek additional space for other permanent displays.

The club will be meeting on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. upstairs at the Historic Orient-Santa Fee Passenger Depot at 713 South Chadbourne, Sante Fe, NM. Anyone interested in model railroading, no mater if you are an experienced modeler or have only dreamed of being a modeler is invited to attend the club's meeting. For more information contact David Wood at 944-1815 davewsjt@cox-internet.com


submitted by Bob Batson

DALLAS - The Texas Baptist Historical Society took a trip back in time at its annual fall meeting October 29 as it honored Texas Baptists who have written church histories recently and heard a presentation regarding railway "chapel cars."

Wilma and Norman Taylor from East Morristown, IN presented a paper regarding the evangelistic role of railway chapel cars in Texas from 1895 to 1904. The Taylors have traveled 30,000 miles during the past seven years researching chapel cars.

"Thirteen chapel cars once carried the gospel from city to city in America, most of them being used west of the Mississippi river," Wilma Taylor said. The American Baptist Publication Society operated Good Will 4 in Texas.

In 1894, the Baptist General Convention of Texas was "anxious about the spiritual conditions of thousands of newcomers settling along the lines of the new railroads stretching across their state," Mrs. Taylor said. Good Will 4 came to Texas "coupled behind the engine, brightly varnished and gilt-embellished to reach those new Texans. The 76-foot-long car featured an oak-paneled sanctuary, trimmed with art glass and equipped with pews, podium, Estey organ and storage for Bibles and literature," Taylor said. A small living area - consisting of a kitchen, sleeping berth, dining and study area and a restroom - occupied the other end of the car.

"Texas Baptists were in the midst of strife over missions, and some were not pleased with the presence of the chapel car," she said. But the "coming of the chapel car was a testament" of the BGCT's commitment to missions.

"As praise for Good Will's work in churchless towns and with needy churches appearing in the Baptist Standard, there was more demand and appreciation for the chapel car," Taylor said.

The chapel car Good Will "traversed Texas seeking the lost among the thousands of settlers who had made their homes along the tracks," she said. "During its eight-year journey, it helped to heal the rifts of denominational politics while bringing the gospel to more than 100 railroad towns."

By Farrell Foster, Texas Baptist Communications as printed in the BAPTIST STANDARD (11-04-01).


I recently received a newsletter, Lineside, from the Railroad Industries SIG (special interest group). It is excellent. It is 24 pages printed on high quality paper with lots of photographs. Membership in the Railroad Industries SIG is $13.00/year. Their primary goals are to develop an understanding of the history and operations of industries served by the railroads, and to share that information among the membership for modeling purposes. Their web site is www.trainweb.org/rrsig.


I just received notification from Krause Publications of a new book called Getting Started With Lionel Trains, Your Introduction to Model Railroading Fun by Allan Miller. It provides essential information on selecting, purchasing, setting-up, operating and maintaining Lionel Electric trains. The book is 128 pages with 100+ color photos. It is soft cover and sells for $21.95. Call Krause at 800 258-0929 or visit their web site at www.krausebooks.com.


Don't forget the annual LSR convention this June 13 - 16, 2002 in San Antonio. For details contact All Boos, 130 Surrey Lane,

Universal City, TX 78148-3938. Phone 210 658-4548. Since the LMRA is going to host the meeting in 2003, it is a good idea for as many of our club members as possible to attend. Take notes!


Speaking of the LSR meeting for 2003, plans are already being made for the Texas State convention. The name will probably be the Caprock Chief 2003. The meeting hotel will be the Four Points Sheraton in downtown Lubbock. Ron Kutch is the chairman and David Lamberts is the assistant chairman. It will be a lot of work, but a lot of fun. Calling all volunteers!


If all goes according to Plan, David Lamberts and Peter Wierzba will be going to Dallas on March 8 to photo shoot and video tape the layout in the lobby of the Dallas Children's Hospital. They will report to the club at the April meeting.

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