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January 2000
Lubbock Model Railroad Association

Staying On Track

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January 3 Meeting

7:30pm, Highland Baptist Activity Center. Program to be announced.

Barcelona Court Setup

Dec 29, Wed.(4:00pm setup) to Jan 2, Sun. (1:00pm takedown). We will set up the Club Pike, so bring your trains if you want to run them.

LMRA Mailing List

Our club now has a mailing list on the Internet. You can send messages to everyone who is a list member, add links to favorite web sites, or upload pictures to the file area. There is a calender where you can see what's coming up, add an event, such as a SIG meeting or railfan trip, and have all the list members notified automatically just before the event. You can read the messages on the Onelist website and/or have them emailed to you. It's free. Here's where to find it: http://www.onelist.com/community/LMRA,

New Executive Committee and Officers

Bob Anconetani - president, Ron Kutch - vice president, Dave Lamberts - treasurer and editor, Homer Morrow - librarian, Garon Cagle - secretary. Also on the board are Margie O'Neil, Ron Warner, and Brad Jones as deadwood.


Our February 3 meeting will be an auction. Enclosed is an auction form. If you have more than one item to sell, make copies of it. Dave Lamberts will explain the rules at the January meeting.

Dues Due

$12 individual, $18 family for one year. You can mail them to Dave Lamberts or give it to him at the meeting.


29 - Jan. 2 - Barcelona Court setup

3 - 7:30pm - MeetingExecutive Committee

7 - 7:30pm - Meeting - auction

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