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Staying On Track LMRA Newsletter, December 1995

Lubbock Model Railroad Association

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December 4 Meeting

at 7:00 p.m. in the Activities Center of the Highland Baptist Church at 34th &amp; Quaker. We shall be meeting 30 minutes earlier than usual in order to have the voting and ballot count for the Board of Directors prior to our Christmas Party "Hobo Gift Exchange". Ballots will be available at the door. Don't forget to bring a wrapped gift, suitable for model railroader and/or their spouses, if you wish to participate in the gift exchange. Refreshments will be served.

Ballots will be mailed only to those out of town, in case they are unable to attend the meeting. If you receive a ballot and plan on attending, just bring it with you. Otherwise, please mail it back to Nancy B. Reed.

Dues are payable

at the December meeting. They are $12.00 per individual; $18.00 per family. This covers the entire year 1996. When you pay, please let Jerry Dukes know of any changes or correction in your address, telephone number or name.

November declared a big success!

Thanks go to Ken Wiggins for setting up all of our activities to celebrate National Model Railroad Month.

Neil Burrus did a wonderful job arranging the tour to Slaton to see the Harvey House where we heard from Jim Davis about the restoration project. Neil also did a great job in organizing the home layout tours. An anonymous source reports that it was a great success and lots of fun. The trip to Amarillo was fantastic. Our thanks go to Dale Worley for being our conductor for the tour of the Santa Fe yard, the Burlington Northern yard, (complete with an arriving coal train), the BN refueling station east of Amarillo where we got to walk through the cab of an SD 70 MAC. Dale also treated us to a look/see in the "Madame Queen" and showed us what each gauge and lever did on a steam locomotive. A Presidential Citation goes to Milton Smith who not only helped out with the tour of the BN facilities but also did a wonderful impression of a Harvey Girl while keeping us supplied with coffee and iced tea during lunch at the Santa Fe Depot /Harvey House restaurant.

George Bates graciously prepared for us the train schedules for the day which helped with our railfanning. All in all, the expedition to Amarillo was a huge success, in great measure because of our club members there.

Science Spectrum Set-Up:

On Friday and Saturday and into Sunday (November 24-26), the HO enthusiasts set up their modules at the Science Spectrum. Gregory Motte is serving as trainmaster with assistance from Henry Crawford and Ken Riediger. This looks like the biggest display yet, using two inside corners for an enourmous "U" shape layout. Be sure to stop by and see it even if you model N-scale! Wearing your club vest will probably get you in without paying the normal ticket price! Bring your trains to run any time. We will be set up there throughout the Christmas holidays. There are several new modules so be sure to look for them, including the ones made by Shelley Harris and by Brian and Tim Gruntmeir. Dr. Holmes has his module set up which he debuted in August at the set-up at Lubbock Village.

One or two lack scenery, including one 4-ft section owned by the outgoing president, but it was needed to complete the track. If anyone has any structures they would like to display, that module is the place to do it! Was that intentional or what??

Board of Directors Meeting:

The next meeting of the Board will be held on Wednesday, December 27, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Nancy Reed. This meeting will be open to the '95 out-going Board members and the incoming '96 Board members. The new officers will be selected at this meeting so please plan on attending. Do not expect a telephond reminder so mark your calenders if you become a board member! The address is: 2721 80th St. and I'll put the LMRA railroad sign near the front porch for ease of recognition!

The January meeting

will be held on the 8th. The program will be announced in the next newsletter.

Results of the December 4th election of Board members:

Elected to the board were: Henry Crawford, Jerry Dukes, Jan Genung, Dr. T. H. Holmes, Rip Maples, Gregory Motte, Don Payne, Ron Pederson, and Ken Riediger. There was a tie, which explains the nine members rather than eight. Also continuing on the board will be Nancy Reed, the outgoing President, as "deadwood".

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