<A NAME="oct99"></A>

Staying On Track - Oct 1999 Lubbock Model Railroad Association

October 4 Meeting - 7:30pm at the Highland Baptist Acivity Center (Ministry Center, east side)

"Where is S-gauge today ?" by Ron Warner, including a voyage of related web pages.

November will be the Dave and Jack show (Narrow Gauge Convention), also Executive Committee election. December will be the Christmas party.

Web page and newsletter

The web page is at railserve.com/lmra . Several years of newsletters are there to read, indexed, with some pictures. If you want help creating a web page for your railroad, contact me. My email is mailto:jackseay@sbcglobal.net, phone# 785-0068, address: 5801-22nd St. #24, Lubbock, TX 79407. Also, lots of newsletter articles are needed. They can be almost anything remotely railroad related.

Email from Jeff Ford

Thought I'd update you on a couple of things.
In the next few days, I'll be updating the TPRHS web site http://www.tprhs.org/, . I noticed that the LMRA site has moved, I'll make sure to update the link at the TPRHS site. I see that you have links to several LMRA member pages. If you'd like to include my personal site. http://users.arn.net/~highball/index.htm, . My model railroad is on there... The Texas Oklahoma & Kansas!
Thanks!-Jeff Ford.
P.S. I'll put a note about HubConIII in the TPRHS newsletter and on our website's "Timetable." If all goes well, I hope to attend.

Hubcon III - Oct.22-24, Fri.-Sun.

(The first few paragraphs here were accidentally left out of the printed newsletter.)

HubCon is a non-profit group promoting science fiction, wargaming, fantasy, role-playing games. Guests include Jeremy ?, played Boba Fett in Star Wars. Phil Brown, Luke Skywalker's uncle Owen. Jack Stalker, Battlestar Galactica. James Whitlark, Tech professor of English Literature specializing in science fiction and fantasy. Eugene Roddenberry, Jr. son of the Star Trek creator. Brian Kampschroer, NMRA judge. He sets up national conventions.

The charity will be Muscular Dystrophy, instead of Women's Protective Services, as reported last month's newsletter.

Tournaments for board and card games, or bring your own game to play in the open gaming area. Video room for old cult movies and Anime. Art show for regional artists. Saturday night - costume contest and masquerade ball.

Preregistration by Oct. ? $25, after that or at door, $30. If you volunteer for 16 hours work, free entry. If you work 10 hours, half cost. If you set up or tear down during those hours, and don't stay for the show, you won't have to pay the entry fee. There will be 4 hours to set up (Fri. morning 8 - noon) and 4 hours to take down. These can count towards working time. Volunteers are needed to cover the art room, drivers to and from hotels, gophers, Most of expenses will be for guests.

Contests will include modules. You don't have to be an NMRA member to enter a contest. Trainmaster - Wil Jensen.

Sam Black mailto:chairman@hubcon.org,

If you are going to enter the model contest, we need your entry form at the meeting Monday night, so we know what categories to make plaques for. Entry forms will be available at the meeting or on the net. Contest models need to be at the Texas Tech Student Union between Friday morning beginning at 9:00 and before noon Saturday, and picked up Sunday afternoon between 2 and 4.

Admission will be $30 per person for all three days. If you volunteer to work 16 hours, admission is free (8 hours work, 1/2 price admission). Volunteers are needed to drive the vans for the movie stars, gophers, running trains, selling tickets, etc. Trainmaster will be Wil Jennings.

Corrections to Hubcon info in last month's newsletter (received from Ron Kutch after the newsletter was mailed out): The charity is not the Women's Protective Service but the MD. The group is supposed to be 300 to 500 people.

Hobby Shop News

Wings N Things - Walthers HO catalog in, also the Athearn steam engine in HO. I saw this run, and it was the smoothest running steam loco I have seen.

Executive Comittee Meeting

October 13, Tuesday, 7:30pm at Brad Jones house.

Better Scenery Through Chemistry

A couple of the best clinics I attended at the Narrow Gauge Convention were by Joel Bragdon. He showed how to make the Geodesic Foam scenery; cast rocks, structures, cars, and people; and use the new self-adhesive weathering powder. I bought both the casting and scenery videos and have been testing the materials.

I really like the cast rocks, because they can be shaped to fit the scenery, cut and torn to fit, and have thin edges that blend into surrounding rock. You can also cast rockwork in huge molds. I never have mastered the skills to make great looking plaster rocks blend together and conform to the contours, so I think these will be what I will be using in the future.

The geodesic foam scenery is light-weight and flexible. It's especially suitable for large layouts and modules. There are several rules to follow, I have learned from my testing. Learn all the steps and follow them exactly. Timing and measurement are important. Have all tools handy. And most important, test and master the skills off the layout first.

The weathering powder comes in 12 colors and doesn't need a spray to make it stick. Use it very sparingly. You can always add more, but don't expect to be able to remove too much. It is extremely finely ground and leaves a dead flat finish. It can be used for weathering structures, rolling stock, and rockwork.

Joel said they will come out with a new method of making water very soon. Bragdon Enterprises has a website at http://www.bragdonent.com, .


4 - 7:30pm Meeting at Highland Baptist Acivity Center (Ministry Center, east side)
19 - 7:30pm Executive Committee Meeting - Brad Jones' house
22-24 Hubcon III - Texas Tech

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