<A NAME="sept99"></A>
Staying On Track - Lubbock Model Railroading Association - September 1999

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September 6 Meeting

7:30pm, Highland Baptist Activity Center, 34th and Quaker. Ice cream social and report on the upcoming HubCon III. The November meeting will be a report by Dave Lamberts on the Narrow Gauge Convention. I will also be going to it.

HubCon III October 22-24, Fri.-Sun.

My name is David Scott, and I'm the programming director for a convention that will be held this October in Lubbock on the Tech campus.

I was wondering if your group would be interested in hosting a modeling contest at the convention, or maybe setting up a layout or two.

Let me explain a bit about HubCon. It started two years ago as "just" a science fiction convention, but the activities have expanded greatly, and now it covers everything from animation to wargames to hobbies. I'm trying to focus on getting local groups to host events at the convention (panels, talks, demos, etc.) to show off our area to the visitors from other parts. The neat thing is that all the proceeds from the convention go directly to Women's Protective Services, the regional shelter for victims of domestic violence.

Last year we had some requests to have a model contest, but couldn't find anyone to run one, so we just added a 3-D category to the art show.

Other parts of the con you might be interested in are the merchants' room, the art show, costume contest, panel discussions, and the like.

Would you be interested in hosting a model contest at HubCon III? ... The con also has a website at http://www.hubcon.org, - David "Inky" Scott - Programming Director, HubCon III

We accepted the invitation and will be setting up our modules and having a model contest. HubCon will pay to have Brian Kampschroer, NMRA convention dept. chairman, flown in to judge the contest. The location will be the Texas Tech Student Union. There will be an expected attendence of 2,000 to 3,000 people. Entry fee to see the whole show will be $25 for all three days. We will discuss more details at the meeting: volunteers to work the ticket booth, etc. Not all the details have been finalized. BIG thanks to Ron Kutch for coordinating our participation.

Corrections to above info received by Ron Kutch after the newsletter was mailed out:
Lisa Pruitt will be at the next meeting to explain the HubCon. The charity is not the Women's Protective Service but the MD. The group is supposed to be 300 to 500 people.

Some Bull about "John Bull & Related" by Joe Faherty

About 2 years ago I came to LMRA. For awhile I had thought - "wouldn't it be fun to build a live steam model of "The John Bull" (all of us know what that kind of thinking will do to (and for) you). As of now I do not have that model - I do have a file folder (about 1/2" thick) of "research". This has given me a pretty good knowledge of the John Bull, how it was built, how it works, and how modified. Hands on - I have part of a HO scale static model, a rough "G" scale chassis, and a start on both cylinders. It is slow going as I have to learn the skills as I go.

Shortly after I started with LMRA I learned the club was losing modules. After several false starts, I do have one based on an incident when I was about 5. Health problems have slowed me down, but I am still working on that.

B'Ann and I would like to thank the officers and members for the welcome and chance to participate in events, but most of all for the programs at meetings, excellent library, and (most of all) 1 on 1 sharing.

Again - much thanks.

LMRA Website, mail and email

http://railserve.com/lmra, - mailto:jackseay@sbcglobal.net, - Send articles to Jack Seay at 5801-22nd St. #24, Lubbock, TX 79407 or email them to me.
Lubbock Model Railroad Association, P. O. Box 53674, Lubbock, TX 79453.


6- 7:30pm - Meeting, Highland Bapt. Activity Center
15-18 Wed.-Sat. - Narrow Gauge Convention -Portland, OR

22-24 Fri.-Sun. - HubCon III - Texas Tech.

Science Spectrum Layout

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