<A NAME="aug99"></A>

Staying On Track - Lubbock Model Railroading Association

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August 2 meeting

Jan Kutch - Report on the Lone Star Region of the National Model Railroad Association.

Library Display

If you have items on display at the Mahon Library, you need to remove them Sat., July 31st. If you haven't seen the displays yet, hurry.

Articles Wanted

I need to have some of you write articles for the newsletter. Have you tried materials, tools, or techniques you like or dislike? Write a paragraph or two about it. Have you read a helpful book? Do you have an experience to tell about? Share your expertise, or trials and errors. You can give it to me at the meeting, email me at mailto:jackseay@sbcglobal.net, or send it to Jack Seay, 5801-22nd St. #24, Lubbock, TX, 79407.

Executive Committee Meeting

Tues. Aug 17, 7:30pm at Brad Jones' house, 5008 - 58th St.

LSR Report - Jan Kutch

Lone Star Region - National Model Railroad Association - Convention

LMRA members attending the Lone Star Region of the National Model Railroad Association included Ron and Jan Kutch, Bob Batson from Lubbock, and Joe Thompson from Jayton. Others who we know from attending past events here included Virgil and Paula Young and the Roth family from Amarillo, Richard and Claudia Brown and daughter from Odessa, and Don Balch from Abelene. A new member from the area is Larry Hanna from Hobbs. Joe won in the photographic category.

Nancy Reed was reelected Area 5 director. A number of great clinics were attended. Most were on scratch building and superdetailing. The hands on clinic given by Black Bear Construction included making three bents of the Canyon City trestle. We even got to keep our Trestle Buddy, but not the template. Bill Cawthon's clinic on Import Cars for American Layouts included a copy of his booklet and a free auto. Bill Hounsell has completed a book Easy Electronic Projects from the RB&J RR. He can be contacted at mailto:hounsell@webtv.net,.

The prototype tour was the Texas City Terminal Railroad. We had a drive-by view of the docks and five refineries served and the run of their engine house and yards. Their roster includes three EMD MP1500's. An interesting firm (you too can model) near the yard was a tankcar repair facility. Which was a portable welder and forklift, a small trailer for an office, and neat labeled piles of each part of a tank car. All that and two meals for $70, that's what you get for your $4 LSR membership. Next year we are meeting in Austin, the next on Dallas, and warning!! They would like to come here again in 2002. Pictures on the LMRA web page, This is a picture of Gill Fretag's back yard: And Texas City Terminal RR:

Wood Boxcar

FOR SALE: With a little sweat (dismantling), one can buy all equity into a genuine antique Santa Fe boxcar, complete with all hardware (less trucks). It's just rotting and rusting where it is. I'd rather see it rebuilt. Bet it would be real spiffy fixed up right! See photos on the LMRA web page. DNboxcar_n.jpg, DNboxcar_ne.jpg, DNboxcar_nw.jpg, {This is now dismantled and gone} For more information call David Naugher

Module Day

Saturday, July 24, we tested and worked on the HO modules, set them and ran some trains. I also subjected a few unwitting passersby to my 1 X 4 foot switching layout in n-scale.

Here are some pictures from the previous module work/play day at Joe Faherty's house. LMRAmodules99_3.jpg, 159K
LMRAmodules99_4.jpg, 234K
LMRAmodules99_5.jpg, 222K

What I Love About Model Railroading - Top Ten List

  1. I like to keep my neighbors guessing what I'm up to.
    9. This is the slowest-paced hobby I know of, next to gardening.
    8. I can quit anytime I want to, really.
    7. My imagination is not vivid; so whatever I build, it looks better than I expected.
    6. I like to invent strange new ways of using common household materials.
    5. It keeps me off the streets and out of trouble (usually).
    4. I like to get my hands messy.
    3. I don't have to make any life or death decisions.
    2. When making scenery, the more mistakes you make, the better it looks.
    1. I love never finishing a project.


22-25 Wed.-Sat. - Narrow Gauge Convention -Portland, OR

Science Spectrum Layout

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