<A NAME="july98"></A>

Lubbock Model
Railroad Association
Staying On Track - July 1998

July 6 Meeting
7:30pm at Highland Baptist Activity Center, 34th and Quaker. Bob Anconetani will show us how to weather rolling stock.
The August 3rd meeting will be an ice-cream social. Also, a free bonus: an LSR Convention report by Nancy Reed and Ron and Jan Kutch. Module Building Day
July 11, Saturday, 9:00 A. M., at Atlas Fasteners, 4910-C-Homestead Ave. Call Bob Moulton or Jack Seay at 792-6512, so we can plan on materials. Any scale welcome.
Web Page and Newsletter Articles
http://home.earthlink.net/~jackseay, http://home.earthlink.net/~jackseay. E-mail mailto:jackseay@sbcglobal.net, jackseay@sbcglobal.net. If you want to write a newsletter article, give it to me at the meeting, email it to me, or call me at home 785-0068, or work 792-6512. Executive Committee Meeting
July 21, 7:30pm, at Patrick Pritchett's house.
Good Source of Books
I am in the process of reading a couple of books by
Paul Mallery from Carstens Publications. One is Trackwork Handbook For Model Railroads, and the other is Design Handbook Of Model Railroads. Mallery has been building model railroads for a long time, and his emphasis is on reliability over ease of building. His thesis is - make it right the first time and you won't have to come back later and tear it out. I agree. He packs a lot of useful information into a small book. It may not be easy reading for a beginner. But if want to know how to design a satisfying layout, hand-lay track and turnouts, or build solid roadbed; get these books. LONE STAR REGION CONVENTION
The Lone Star Region convention was held this year in Kenner, Louisiana, June 18 -21 . Among those attending from the LMRA were Jan and Ron Kutch and Nancy Reed. As usual at these conventions, there was a variety of activities including the St. Charles Street Car ride through the historic "garden" district of New Orleans Thursday night, followed by a tour of the car barn the next day. There were also plenty of clinics to attend, ranging from hints on modeling military trains to slide programs on the variety of rail shipping which goes through the major gulf ports, such as Mobile. This was particularly timely since Walthers has recently released a waterfront series. Andy Sperandeo from Model Railroader talked about modeling the Cajon Pass and how to find original photographs to make the details more authentic. There were also discussions on operations which lasted into the wee hours of the morning. The layout tours were wonderful. Of particular note was the Crescent City Model Club's own HO layout. They model the line from Crescent City to Kansas City with over 600 feet of mainline track. The scenes are filled with wonderful detail and you need several visits to see all the subtle features. The modeling of the bayou areas with swamp land and shrimp boats was outstanding. Other home layouts included N-scale, a large-scale garden layout, and even an Nn3 scale! We needed our glasses for that one. Following the usual Saturday night banquet, results of the various contests were announced. Our own Joe Thompson from Jayton won several first place awards for his photography of models and prototypes. We will be having a program at our regular August meeting in which Jan and Ron, along with Nancy, will show their prints and slides and talk about the great time enjoyed by everyone. Next year, the convention will be held in Houston. The dates are June 24- 27. We hope that more of our members will be able to attend. You can see superb modeling at these conventions, attend wonderful clinics given by local club members as well as by an invited national modeler, and go on various prototype tours. For those who don't have the time to attend a national NMRA convention, the Lone Star Region convention is the way to go!
Lubbock Western Timetable July
Static Display at Mahon Library
6 - 7:30 Meeting, Highland Baptist Activity Center
11- 9am Module Building, Atlas Fasteners
20-26 - NMRA and N-scale Conv., K.C. MO. Ron and Jan Kutch are going.
3 - Meeting, ice-cream social,
Highland Baptist Activity Center Sept.
23-26 - Narrow Gauge Conv., Co. Spgs. CO

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