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Staying On Track - August 1997

Lubbock Model Railroad Association Newsletter

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August 4 Meeting

at the Highland Baptist Church Activity Center, 7:30pm. Ron Bremer will show us how to scratch-build a flour mill.

Web Page at http://www.earthlink.net/~jackseay

Get newsletter articles and pictures to your editor, Jack Seay.

Nancy Reed -- elected LSR Division 5 Director

Congratulations to our own Nancy Reed for her election as the new Division 5 Director of the Lone Star Region of the National Model Railroad Association. Division 5 covers 79 counties.

Shows and Events

Playday at Highland Baptist Activity Center, August 29, 30, 5pm to 9pm Friday and 9am to 5pm Saturday. All scales will be represented. There will be a swap meet, module conformance testing, and weathering and decaling of models.

Slide SIG - August 21, 7:00 PM at the home of Patrick Pritchett. We will be seeing early Geeps.

Hobby Shop News

Wings N Things: Athearn special limited edition Tropicana HO box cars are in.

Roster Additions and Corrections

New members:
Brad & Vicki Jones,Joe Faherty,Jim Baker

Executive Committee Meeting

The next Executive Committee Meeting will be Tue., 7:30pm, August 19th, at Jan Kutch's house.

Basic Electricity and Electronics For Model Railroaders

by Don Fiehmann with Frank Geraci and Sandy Fiehmann

This is a good introduction to wiring a home or club layout. The first twenty pages cover basic electricity and electronics. It was explained simply enough that even I understood, using comparisons such as frogs jumping from lily pad to lily pad - the travel of electrons in a circuit. Also covered in the book are tools and techniques; and resisters, diodes, and capacitors - what they are and where to use them. I learned there is much more to wiring than just completing the circuits. This is a book to be read many times, as the later chapters are more complex. A SIG and some clinics on this topic will also be welcome.


from Miramar

This is not a railroad video, but it relates to one of my reasons for involvement in model railroading. On a recent television interview, a business magazine editor said there is no market for anything slow. Chronos challenges the idea that faster is always better. Things of lasting value and beauty are often created slowly. Rushing uncontemplatively through life can lead to a dehancement of the value of what we do. What do you remember longer? A fast-paced day at work, or a long, relaxing vacation enjoying the wonders of nature? We need to work, of course, but getting away from it is also important. People go on ocean cruises not because of the speed of the ship, but to enjoy the unhurried pace.

What do we look for in a model locomotive? Speed or good slow running ability? We invest hundreds of hours building a layout because it is time spent thoughtfully creating a work of art with our hands and minds? We can't function in high-gear all the time. Sometimes we need to slow down and appreciate things that don't rush past us supersonically. Without saying a word, this video contrasts the fast pace of modern civilization with the values cultivated by an appreciation of nature and the finer detail of architecture built in past generations. Each time I watch this movie, I think about different things, and could write a new review each time. The locations filmed are world-wide. Chronos is a work of art - graphically, musically, and philosophically. It says a lot about our perception of time in the modern world.

LMRA Model Contest Results

17 entries Judges: John Lott, Patrick Pritchett, Nancy Reed, Neil Burrus

Diesel Locomotives
        1.      Santa Fe angled cab     Bob Anconetani  111
        2.      Santa Fe rounded cab    Bob Anconetani  107
        3.      CSX GP-38-2             Jerry Dukes     102
        Honor. Men.  Santa Fe #92       Jerry Dukes     90
Rolling Stock
        1.      Santa Fe Box 8  John Lott       95
        2.      CC&O Caboose    Jerry Dukes     80
Structures, Off Line
        1.      Grain Elevator  Ron Bremer      101
        2.      Manger Scene    Jerry Dukes     73
        3.      Slaton Water Tower      Will Jensen     70
        Participation    Shanty Will Jensen     30
Structures, On Line
        1.      Section House   Jeff Ford       108
        2.      WJ Tower        Jeff Ford       103
        3.      G Water Tower   Jerry Dukes     98
Bridges & Trestles
        1.      Pike Bridge     Jeff Ford       110
        2.      Round Table Bridge      Jan Kutch       82
        1.      Cattle Truck    Jeff Ford       105
        2.      Cattle Truck    Will Jensen     65
Best in Show - If we awarded that
        1.      CF 7 Angled Cab Bob Anconetani
        2.      Pike Bridge     Jeff Ford
        3.      Section House   Jeff Ford

Results of SIG Survey

These are the results so far. We will have more to report as more are given to me. A SIG could even be planned as temporary, or having one clinic/workshop a year, or meeting on an as-needed basis; whatever would meet the needs of those participating.

Operations: Steve & Brian Gentry, Bob Batson, Jack Seay, Jim & Julie Aldrich, Bob Anconetani

Video: Jeff Ford, Calvin Korah, Jim & Julie Aldrich

Narrow Gauge:

Z Scale: Jack Seay

N Trak Modules:

BeNd Trak Modules: Jack Seay, Bob Moulton

N Scale Home Layouts: Bob Batson

HO Scale Modules: Jeff Ford, Jim & Julie Aldrich, Ronald Bremer, Neil Burrus

HO Scale Home Layouts: Steve & Brian Gentry, Jim & Julie Aldrich, Bob Anconetani

S Scale:

O Scale: Calvin Korah (Lionel, MTH, K-Line)

G Scale:

Internet and Software: Steve & Brian Gentry, Jeff Ford, Bob Batson, Jim & Julie Aldrich, Jack Seay

Railroad History: Jeff Ford (Very interested)

Supertrains and Maglev: Jack Seay

Scenery: Brian Gentry, Jack Seay, Ronald Bremer

Wiring and Electronics: Steve Gentry, Jack Seay, Jim & Julie Aldrich, Neil Burrus

Painting: Jim & Julie Aldrich, Ronald Bremer

Bridges and Trestles: Brian Gentry, Jeff Ford, Jack Seay, Ronald Bremer

Benchwork: Jim & Julie Aldrich

Track and Turnouts: Jeff Ford, Jim & Julie Aldrich

Structures: Steve & Brian Gentry, Jeff Ford, Bob Batson, Jack Seay, Ronald Bremer

Layout Design: Steve Gentry, Jeff Ford, Bob Batson, Jack Seay

Rail-fanning and Real World Railroads: Steve & Brian Gentry, Jeff Ford, Calvin Korah, Patrick Pritchett, Bob Batson, Jim & Julie Aldrich


Your Ideas:

Steve & Brian Gentry: Visit coal dump (Muleshoe Power Plant, SPS). Mentor program - established member shares layout with youth member(s) who may have cars but limited layout / no layout.

Calvin Korah: Railfanning the local railroad scene. I am new to the area from South Dakota and would like to visit the yards and lines of Lubbock.

Bob Batson: Railfan trips.

Ronald Bremer: Scratch-building techniques.

Lubbock Western Timetable

July - Aug
27 - Aug 2 - NMRA, Madison, WI.

21 - 7:00 PM, Slide SIG at Patrick Pritchett's house: Early Geeps
29 - 30 - Playday at Highland Baptist Activity Center

1 - 7:00 PM, Meeting at Highland Baptist Activity Center

9 - Tech Museum - "A Century Of Progress"