<A NAME="mar97"></A>

Lubbock Model Railroad Association

Staying On Track - LMRA Newsletter - March 1997

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March 3 meeting at Highland Baptist Church Activity Center, 7:30pm. Jon Hays and Jack Seay will be showing model railroading on the Internet. If you have railroad software, we would like to have you demonstrate it at a meeting sometime.


Web Page at http://www.earthlink.net/~jackseay

Get newsletter articles and pictures to your editor, Jack Seay.


Lubbock Show April 10-12 [This changed just after this newsletter was mailed. The show is now postoned until sometime this fall.]

Our show will be at the Highland Baptist Church Activity Center. We will set up Thur., April 10 after 7pm. Takedown will be at 5pm Sat., April 12. The times the show will be open will be discussed at the meeting. Bob Anconetani will handle scheduling of people to teach clinics and judge contests. Jack Seay will do the advertizing. Jan Kutch will be in charge of door prizes. We are still looking for someone whose dance card is not yet full to be Trainmaster. There will be contests for engines, rolling stock, structures, photos, dioramas, and maybe billboards or signs to identify your module.


Layout Tour?

We discussed at the executive committee meeting the possibility of a layout tour soon.


Amarillo and Abeline Shows

Amarillo will have the Tri-State Show and swap meet, Sat. and Sun., March 15 and 16. Amarillo will also host the Great American Train Show, Sat. and Sun., May 3 and 4.

The Abeline show will be Fri., Sat., and Sun., April 4, 5, and 6.

If you are interested in car-pooling, call Bob Anconetani at 795-1358.


Arts Festival

The Lubbock Arts Festival will be April 17-20 at the fairgrounds.


Slide SIG

The next Slide SIG will also be at Patrick Prichett's house, (4702-16th St.), Thur., 7pm, April 17. [This also changed after this newsletter was mailed. It is now scheduled for April 10.] We will be seeing covered wagons (F Units).


Executive Committee Meeting

The next Executive Committee Meeting will be Tue., 7:30pm, Mar. 18th, at Jan Kutch's house, 3611 Chicago (on a cul-de-sac).


Master Builder

Bob Batson was awarded a Master Builder Certificate in structures.


Boy Scout Module

The plans have changed somewhat for the Boy Scout Jamboree module. It will not need to be completed until May. It also doesn't need to depict West Texas, (I'm thinking maybe Hawaii or Napal). It will be a module or diorama displaying all the sizes of model railroading from Z to G, (that should make everyone happy).


Texas and African

The LSR (Lone Star Regional) has 48 HO cars available.

LSR life-time membership price is going up in June. It also requires a life-time membership in NMRA.


Al Fox brought up a question at the February meeting. Is anyone interested in building a modular layout on the area from Lubbock to Snyder?


Joe Boyd was a member of our club. He died from cancer recently. His widow wants to sell all his HO equipment, some narrow gauge, (see Jerry Dukes for the list). She has donated his railroad books to the club library.
