<A NAME="aug96"></A>

Lubbock Model Railroad Association

Staying On Track - LMRA Newsletter - August 1996

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August 5, 1996 Meeting -- 7:30pm at the Highland Baptist Church Activity Center. Program will cover the converting of Tyco and Life Like rolling stock into good operating cars.


Play Day

Aug. 30-31 we will hold a Play Day and Swap Meet. H.O. Modular will set up Friday night, 6pm. Gregory Motte will be your train master. Take down will be Saturday, 4:30pm.


South Plains & Santa Fe

If you have ever wanted to operate a model railroad, you now have the opportunity to try it from the branch line end. Bob Anconetani's SP&SF is a branch line RR servicing two towns. Trains are made up in Lubbock and run to Cold Water. At Cold Water the railroad interchanges with Lubbock Western. After switching out cars at Cold Water, it's off to Bluff Creek. At Bluff Creek is a mine, and this mine has its own engine and trackage rights over SP&SF into Lubbock. The mine run is the only through train over the SP&SF. Now most branch line RR have only one train a day that makes an out and back run. The SP&SF has so much traffic that two trains are needed. This is necessary to hold trains down to nine cars or less and still get all the work done for the day. There is a lot of action on the SP&F.


Special Interest Group

The S.I.G. will meet on Aug. 22, at 7:30pm. You can call Pat.


Up and Coming Events

Sept. Hobo Stew.
Sept. or Oct., Trip to Clovis
Oct. Billboard Contest.



Ron Pederson has relocated to El Paso, Texas. The company that he works for had a new assignment for him there, and it will be for a number of years. We will all miss him, we have learned much from one another. From time to time we will see him again, when his work once again brings him through Lubbock.



Don't forget to bring back your books and tapes to the next meeting.
