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Lubbock Model Railroad Association

Staying On Track 5/16/96 - LMRA Newsletter - June 1996

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June 3, 1996, Meeting -- 6:00pm at the "JOYLAND AMUSEMENT PARK". Grilled hamburgers and other fixings. All for only $2.00. We will be set up just West of the entrance into the Park. Additional $4.00 if you want to enjoy all the rides inside the Park.



The Book Cart has been "out shopped" and is back on track, a heavier set of "freight trucks" have been installed, which makes the cart ride a little higher, but she is now able to maintain her footing at "track speed", so the library will be open in July, due to the cook-out at Joyland.


LSR Texas Central 40' Box Car

TC 1996 are now on sale at Wings N Things, in N & HO scale. Phone 806 793-7777 to have Robert hold one for you.


Special Interest Group

A S.I.G. of Slide Film Collectors will meet at Pat Pritchett's home of 4702 16th St in Lubbock, at 7:00pm on June 20th. The subject will be Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad. If you have any slides of this railroad and the Chama area, and would like to stop by, give Pat a call at 793-5981.


Welcome Aboard!

We have seven new members that have come on board the LMRA and we would like to say "Hello and Thanks" for being a part of us. I must also give our apologies for not acting sooner to get your names on the roster, if you need a membership roster, you can ask Gregory the librarian for one.


Convention News

Santa Fe Historical & Modeling Society will hold their 16th annual convention, June 19th - 23rd, at Green Oaks Inn, 6901 West Freeway, Fort Worth, TX.


"Woopee" Welcome Home, Dr. Druce Fried
