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The LMRA is a local club that was organized to promote the hobby of modeling different aspects of the Railroads that provide so much transportation of goods across our nation. LMRA is a certified nonprofit organization.

What we do?

We like trains: parked, running, old, new, steam, electric, and diesel engines, cars, cabooses, loads, and special equipment buildings, scenery, trees, roadbed, track, signal systems, railroad companies, employees, mergers and bankruptcies.

We like big trains and little. We love whatever scale we model and tolerate all others. We like trains, every aspect of trains.

When do we meet?

First Monday of every month at 7:30 P.M. at the Hope Lutheran Church, 5700 98th Street.

Everyone is welcome to come and visit.

What do you have to do to join?

Just come to the meetings, introduce yourself to us and start talking and listening. Dues are the outrageous sum of $12.00 a year (each January). Family membership is $18.00 a year. For this you receive our monthly news letter and the right for all to participate in any of our activities.

What does the Club do?

The club meets once a month for a regular meeting. The meetings are twofold: The club president leads a business meeting: Looking at scheduled events and developing resources and planning. (the business part of the meeting usually lasts 15-20 minutes) Then the Program Director introduces some kind of a program: A club member or outside speaker will give a demonstration on some aspect of trains, modeling techniques, or other aspect of the hobby. (the program usually lasts 30-45 minutes, depending on the comments or questions that arise.

Members are interested in a wide variety of the many facets of the hobby. Many members participate in building and operating modular layouts (Z, N-trak, BeNd Track, HO, O, and G scales). Modules are available for participation in area festivals and displays. Any member may participate in operation of modular layouts. A Slide special interest group meets every three months. Field and railfanning trips, and construction contests are organized as interest dictates. We also promote safety on and around railroads. Some members have home layouts of all sizes and degrees of skill. The club library includes books, magazines, and videos as varied as our interests. We publish a monthly news letter which is mailed to all members in good standing and maintain a Web page.

The club works really hard on only one thing: having fun watching, studying trains, and getting together.

LMRA Web site: http://railserve.com/lmra
PO Box 54674
Lubbock, TX 79453

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