LMRA Newsletter
Lubbock Model Railroad Association
Staying on Track - September 2007

Website: http://railserve.com/lmra
LMRA mailing list - messages, photos, links, files, calendar - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LMRA

Meetings at (usually) at the Highland Baptist Activity Center, Quaker Ave. and 34th St. - the first Monday of each month at 7:30pm. However, since the first Monday this month was a holiday, it will be the second Monday, Sept. 10 6:30pm; and at a different location: Allen Hagens House - Address: 2611 ECR 7300, also known as East 114th street. You can come out of Lubbock on South US 87 and take the first exit past the strip which is 114th street, East till pavement ends (app 2 miles), continue east for 3/4 mile. It is the first house past Lubbock Motor Speedway. The meeting will be building tabletop modules. Bring your money if you ordered one. $15 for single width and $30 for double width. Javier has ordered the track and it should be in by then.
November 5: Nominate new board.
December 3: Christmas party and elect board.

Coming events:
Cowboy Symposium - Sept. 7-9
Science Spectrum - setup layouts (Dec. 8 to Jan 5 or 6) and have classes to build modules (Oct. 20 to Nov. 17 on Saturdays). Estimated cost for module kits are $20 pre-glued or $15 un-glued. There are also plans for other nostalgic toys and miniatures to be on display in the big room on the first floor.

Keep Javier and family in thoughts and prayers, and other club members not feeling well. Walmart (S. Quaker) has 1:87 Hotwheels.