LMRA Newsletter

Lubbock Model Railroad Association

Staying on Track - February 2005

Meetings at Highland Baptist Activity Center, Quaker Ave. and 34th St. - first Monday of each month at 7:30pm.
March 7: Randel Bittick - building fences
April 4 and May 2: Curly will show a video on running steam

Auction: The auction at the February meeting was a great success and a good time was had by all.

Other events coming this year:

March 9-14: Setup at Godeke Library (S. Loop and Quaker)
April 15-17: Setup at Arts Festival
May 6-7 and Nov. 4-5: Playdays at the Activity Center
Undecided: Home layout tour

Of historical note: (e-mail from Ron Warner) Original roadbed that carried Lincoln to Gettysburg unearthed: GETTYSBURG, Pa. [14 Feb '05] - Workers engaged in renovating the "Lincoln Train Station" unearthed a surprise last Wednesday - three railroad ties on the original roadbed that carried Abraham Lincoln into Gettysburg on November 19, 1863, according to a story in the Gettysburg Times.

While excavating beneath the 1886 addition to the rear of the 1858 train station off Carlisle Street, officials discovered that workers built the addition atop the foundation of the original station platform. As a result, the platform foundation (which Lincoln would have used as he got off the train), three ties, and the original roadbed - which reaches about five feet below street level - has remained mostly undisturbed for nearly 120 years.

Amtrak financing nearly eliminated in proposed Bush budget; (e-mail from Ron Warner) Amtrak president reacts in message to employees: WASHINGTON [08 Feb '05] - Highway financing would rise slightly while almost all spending for Amtrak would be eliminated under the Bush Administration's proposed Transportation Dept. budget, according to a story in today's New York Times. The budget provides no money for Amtrak itself, but does include $360 million to maintain commuter service that uses Amtrak right-of-way in the Northeast Corridor if the passenger carrier goes bankrupt. (continued other side)

Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta said federal subsidies for Amtrak had almost doubled in the last four years, to $1.2 billion in 2005 from $520 million in 2001. "After 34 years of Amtrak operating losses and $29 billion in taxpayer subsidies, it is clear that the current model of passenger rail service is flawed and unsustainable," Mineta said.

Amtrak, however, has always survived because of supporters in Congress, and they rallied to its defense on Monday. Senator Charles E. Schumer (D - NY), said, "Eliminating Amtrak wouldn't just cost us billions of dollars in operating funds for the trains and the business people and tourists they bring here, it also shreds the safety net we'll need in case - God forbid - our airspace is shut down again like it was after 9/11."

The Administration's proposal is seen by some as basically flawed because of the length of time, and money, that would be required to actually shut down Amtrak.  Amtrak President David Gunn issued a statement [below] of support to Amtrak employees on the proposed Bush budget.

"Dear Amtrak Co-Workers,

"Earlier today, President Bush sent to Congress his proposed budget for FY '06. It provides no funding for Amtrak. In contrast, this year we are spending $1.4 billion, of which $1.2 billion is from a federal appropriation to support our operations and capital programs across the country. 

"The President's proposal does provide $360 million to the Surface Transportation Board for continued commuter and freight operations on the NEC [Northeast Corridor] only after forcing an Amtrak bankruptcy. It also isn't accompanied by any kind of plan for how Amtrak could continue operations. In a word, they have no plan for Amtrak other than bankruptcy. 

"Obviously, the proposal is irresponsible and a surprising disappointment. It doesn't acknowledge all the hard work you've done over the past two years to run a tighter and better ship. Our costs are more under control than ever before - that's quite an accomplishment. 

"It is critical that reforms and improvements must continue, however. Amtrak's management is engaged with its board, the Department of Transportation, and others for this purpose. That work continues. We are committed to an efficient and productive rail passenger system. The plan to force us into bankruptcy would be counterproductive to this goal. 

"The President's proposal is only the start of a long legislative process, and we are taking it very seriously. This process has a lot of twists and turns, and it always takes six to nine months to sort out. It won't have any impact through the 2005 fiscal year, but there's going to be very little cash left at the end of this year. Rest assured that after all we have been through, I am committed to doing everything I can to secure adequate funding for FY '06. 

"We have strong support in Congress and a lot of support across the country. 

"The best thing that all employees can do is to do their jobs professionally, delivering the highest quality passenger service we know how. If we really care about our passengers, others will care about us. As I travel in the Midwest this week, you can bet that I'm going to be looking at service standards. Stay safe out there, and keep your heads up. 

Sincerely, David L. Gunn"
