LMRA Newsletter
Lubbock Model Railroad Association
Staying on Track - February 2008

Website: http://railserve.com/lmra
LMRA mailing list - messages, photos, links, files, calendar - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LMRA
Meetings at the Highland Baptist Activity Center, Quaker Ave. and 34th St. - the first Monday of each month at 7:30pm.
February 4: Annual auction - bring your money and things to sell. Public invited. There will be auction forms at the meeting, in case you lost yours or can't get copies made. Arrive at 7:00 to get ready and look around, as it will start at 7:30. When bidding, remember to keep your hand up as long as you are still bidding on that item.
March 3: Jack Seay - scenery
July 7: ice cream party at Allen Hagens house.
Thanks to Allen Hagens and Al Fox for last month's clinic on G scale and radio control.
Current and Coming events:

March 17-21: Spring break setup at Godeke Library. Setup may start as early as the 15th.
April: Arts Festival. Details later.
Dues due: Individual $12, family $18
Home layout tour: To be discussed at the March meeting.