LMRA Newsletter
Lubbock Model Railroad Association
Staying on Track - February 2007

Website: http://railserve.com/lmra
LMRA mailing list - messages, photos, links, files, calendar, chat, more - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LMRA

Meetings at Highland Baptist Activity Center, Quaker Ave. and 34th St. - usually the first Monday of each month at 7:30pm. However, this month is our yearly auction and we will begin an hour early. Arrive at 6:30 to get your items ready to sell. Auction will begin at 7:00pm.

February 5 Auction: On the other side are the auction rules. Also enclosed in the newsletter is an auction form. If you have more than one item to sell, make copies. We will also have extras at the meeting.

March: Homer Morrow will have a clinic about DCC multiple unit operation.
Godeke setup: March 10-18, modules.

April: Al Fox, shortcuts and scales
Arts Festival

May: Dave Lamberts, plaster rock castings
Playday, possibly May 12

June: Joe Price, TTrakHO

July: ice cream social and perhaps a movie

Dues are due: $12 for individuals, $18 for the whole family.

2007 board of directors: Javier Rosales (pres.), Randel Bittick (vice-pres.), Dave Lamberts (treas.), Jack Seay (sec.), Al Fox (librarian), Terry Chancellor, Howard (Curly) Bunting, and Joe Price.

January meetings mindmap