LMRA Newsletter
Lubbock Model Railroad Association
Staying on Track - December 2007

Website: http://railserve.com/lmra
LMRA mailing list - messages, photos, links, files, calendar - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LMRA
Meetings at the Highland Baptist Activity Center, Quaker Ave. and 34th St. - the first Monday of each month at 7:30pm.
December 3: Christmas party and elect board.
Nominees are: Randel Bittick, Dave Lamberts, Al Fox, Joe Price, Sheldon Klock, Allen Hagens, Curly Bunting, Dave Hunt, and Terry Chancellor.
February 4: Annual auction - start getting ready
Current and Coming events:
Science Spectrum - setup layouts (Dec. 8 to Jan 5 or 6) Hours of operation will be Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5. We can start setting them up starting Wednesday Nov. 28.
Thanks to all the members who helped with the classes during October and November.
Christmas party rules: Everyone bring a model railroad or craft gift. Draw numbers. Number 1 picks a gift off the table and unwraps it. Number 2 picks a gift off the table or takes the gift from the first person. Number 3 picks a gift off the table or either gift already picked ... and so on. The 3rd owner of a gift keeps it permanantly. After everyone have drawn a number, the one who drew number 1 can choose any gift that has been opened, except those belonging to a third owner.

P.O. Box 53674
Lubbock, TX 79453