LMRA Newsletter
Lubbock Model Railroad Association
Staying on Track - December 2006

Our website is at railserve.com/lmra

Meetings at Highland Baptist Activity Center, Quaker Ave. and 34th St. - first Monday of each month at 7:30pm.

December 4: Christmas party. Bring a gift to exchange. We will have the usual rules, which will be explained at the meeting. Election for the board of directors for 2007. The elected directors will choose the officers.
Specifications - see Joe Price at the meetings if you want T-Trak or HO module specifications.
Dues are due: $12 for individuals, $18 for the whole family. Cheap!
Pins and whistles: We now have new club pins for $4 each and wood train whistles for $2.50

Useful webpages to know about:
The Ten Commandments [or perhaps suggestions] of Model Railroad Yard Design
Layout Design Primer - http://www.vetmed.auburn.edu/~smithbf/BFSpages/LDSIGprimer/TOC.html
Railserve - "Currently indexing 11,891 quality resources in 94 categories!"- http://railserve.com
Walthers online catalog - a place to spend your excess cash - http://www.walthers.com
LMRA mailing list - messages, photos, links, files, calendar, chat, database, polls