LMRA Newsletter
Lubbock Model Railroad Association
Staying on Track - August 2006

Our website is at http://railserve.com/lmra

Meetings at Highland Baptist Activity Center, Quaker Ave. and 34th St. - first Monday of each month at 7:30pm.

August 7: Regular meeting - a train video

Other events coming this year:


The "Family Fun Festival" is from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday, July 29th at the Civic Center. Admission is $2.00. Attendees will be given wrist bands and can "come and go" all day long. Club members who want to help run trains will be able to get in free. We will have plenty of room to set up the member’s HO modules, the club HO pike, 2 T-Trak N-scale loops, an O-27 layout, a kid’s hands-on loop, and a G-scale loop.
Setup will be Friday, July 28th. Javier Rosales and Joe Price will show up at 9:30am to set up the barrier rope, get tables, and chairs. You are welcome to come help anytime that day until 8:00pm. Those who want to help move the club pike and module corners, meet at Noah’s Storage at 5:00pm. It is located a block west of Quaker on the Clovis Hwy.

Oct 13-14 playday at the regular meeting location.

Dates not set: Home layout tour, Windsong, Cowboy Symposium

We will be working with the city to refurbish the G-scale train layout for Santa Land. Joe Price and Randal Bittick are the contacts.

Specifications - see Joe Price at the meetings if you want T-Trak or HO module specifications.

Santa Village train email:

July 11, 2006 - All,
On Monday, July 10, Curly and I met with the P&R people and picked up the Santa Village train.  The consist is an 0-6-0 loco, a gondola, and a caboose.  Right now, the units have a very sad appearance. Also included was a partial box of six 12" track sections.  It will be enough to check out things.
Initial looks at the pieces and conversation with P&R guys confirmed what I say last winter.  They have been laying the track, setting the train on it, and then spraying 'snow flock' over everything.  We informed the guys (apparently some of the ones who do the setup) why that would cause the train to not run, and they quickly saw the error of their ways. 
Also, there is a large amount of track fastened to long (greater than 8'?) boards for quick setup in the park.  We did not pick those up, but they will have to be cleaned as well before the system can run again.  There will be some elbow-grease time on this at a later date.
Cindy and I are going to the Dallas area for the weekend to visit our son.  After we get back, I will start to look at the loco to see if it will run again. 
First, however, is the Playday on July 29!!!!!  Y'all ready yet? I'm not quite, but I am getting close, very close.
 Joe Price

  Maybe look into converting this loco to battery power so that the track does not have to be constantly worked on. It should not be to hard and it may be cheaper to do this. Let me know.
Javier Rosales

Possible, but the battery may have to ride in the gondola.  There's not very much room in the engine. We really need to get Al 'The Wiz" Fox in on thes as soon as I get back ...
 Joe Price

July 12, 2006 - Batteries only have a 1-2 hour runtime then must be recharged. I don't think this would be something P&R would enjoy doing. You can have 2 battery cars, usually baggage cars, maybe a box, and change them out. Or 2 trains, one running and one charging. The big layouts that run all the time have rechargers built into the tracks.

A stationary display would be easier on P&R than anything moving....
Jan Kutch